Age Pension: New claims
If you are not sure where to start, or are fed up queuing at Centrelink, our simple step-by-step process will save you time and frustration.
Our service means you don’t need to deal with Centrelink, except for one carefree visit to verify your ID.
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Age Pension: Reassessments
If you haven’t updated your details with Centrelink for a while you could be missing out on thousands of dollars per year. Or worse, creating an overpayment and expensive Centrelink debt.
Don’t assume that Centrelink know how much income you receive, the balance of your bank account and other investments. Centrelink require you to inform them of changes of $2,000 or more.
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It is important to regularly check in and update your situation especially in retirement. Our Age Pension Reassessment service is the easiest way to ensure you are receiving exactly what you are entitled to.
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
If you hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, you’re entitled to receive the following federal government benefits:
- Cheaper medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
- Bulk-billed doctor visits (at the discretion of your chosen doctor).
- A larger Medicare refund on medical costs for any out-of-hospital costs when you reach the Medicare Safety Net.
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Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders were also entitled to the series of one-off economic support payments paid as part of the COVID-19 stimulus. The last of these payments was made in March 2021.
*Centrelink and PensionHelp will assess you as a couple even if only one member is eligible to claim a benefit.
Note: You may be able to claim back the cost of this service in your annual tax returns depending on your individual circumstances.
Please consult with a registered tax adviser or accountant about your personal tax return circumstances.
If you are not sure which service applies to you or you have a question you can email us at